
We get sport from the inside.

Our resources are specially designed for Christians active in competitive sport. Find what you need here, put it into practice, and watch God at work.

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Jesus Saves Racing

“I can’t help you become a racing driver, but I can help you meet Jesus Christ.”

Inclusion, fairness and transgender athletes in women’s sport

The inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sport is a prominent debate. The sporting world is re-evaluating the balance of fairness and inclusion in competitive sport. As Christians in the world of sport it's important to understand how the Bible helps inform how we engage in this conversation.

Locked Down - But Not Out

What does it mean to be a Christian in Sport during a lockdown that takes sport away? University of Exeter trampolinist, Natalya, shares her story.

What is it like to be a Christian at the Winter Olympics?

Two time Olympian Adam Pengilly shares his Winter Olympic story.

Should Christian sportspeople boycott events in controversial places?


What is the Christian competitor to do when they are being sent to countries accused of human rights abuses?

Black History Month: Remembering Cyrille Regis

As Cyrille Regis stepped onto the turf at Wembley on the 23rd of February 1982 he was blazing a trail that transcended football.

Ep. 47 - Suzanne Ferreira: Coach to paralympians

Suzanne Ferreira was won over 70 medals through the athletes she coaches at the Paralympic Games, World Championships and more. In this podcast she speaks to us about her coaching philosophy and how her faith impacts how she trains elite athletes.

Ep. 45 - James Hope-Gill: Skateboard GB and the Olympic Games

The CEO of Skateboard GB, James Hope-Gill joins us today, on the day Sky Brown won bronze at Tokyo 2020 to become the youngest ever British medallist.

Ep. 43 - Christian Taylor: Olympic triple-jump champion | The man who helped postpone the Olympics

Christian Taylor, two-time Olympic and four-time World Champion join us to speak about the Athletics Association, a newly formed body looking out for the interests of track and field athletes.

Ep. 41 - Gavin Peacock: From Pitch to Pundit to Pulpit

We sat down with Gavin Peacock, former professional footballer and pundit and now a pastor to discuss his story found in his recently released his autobiography.

Ep. 40 - Andrew Wingfield Digby: The Cricketing Vicar

The Rev. Andrew Wingfield Digby is with us today in a special podcast hosted by Hit for Six.

Ep. 39 - Donnie Campbell: Ultra runner

Donnie Campbell is a mountain and ultra runner who has taken on some of the world's hardest challenges. He sat down with Lancs to chat about his sport and more about what it means for him to be a Christian in his world of sport.

Serving the world of elite sport

Ever wondered what our work with elite athletes consists of? Men’s golf worker Kenny Crawford helps us step into the world of staff supporting and serving those in elite sport with the gospel.

Three big questions for God

With the uncertainty that Covid-19 has brought us sports people it’s inevitable that we’ve asked questions of our life, our faith and of our God.

Eliud Kipchoge and the race of life

Kipchoge's amazing sub two-hour marathon was an amazing feat and one which cannot help but let our minds wander to Hebrews 12 and the call to "run the race."

Gospel growth in the beautiful game

It has been amazing to see how God has grown the work of supporting professional and elite-level footballers. Here, two members of our Performance Team explain how they are encouraging the next generation of UK footballers.