Bible Study: 1 Peter 5
Bible Study: 1 Peter 5


What pressures can you often face in your sport and how do you try to handle them?

The pressure to perform in sport will have been felt by all of us at some point or other. Whether it is the pressure of a coach, a parent, the crowd. Whether it is peer pressure of team mates or an internal pressure we place on ourselves - we all know the pressure to perform. Sometimes this helps us to thrive and focuses our mind and abilities, yet often it can cause us concern and be unhealthy. How do we handle pressure as a Christian?

Read 1 Peter 5:6

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

What you need to know

In this letter, Peter is encouraging the church who were under continual pressure to quit and conform by the society around them. He urges them to rely on God and identify with Christ’s sufferings so as to continue in Him through the pressure, rather than fold under it.

  • Why is it important to ‘humble ourselves’ in both our sporting success and failings?
  • What does it mean to humble ourselves under ‘God’s mighty hand’?
  • In sport, how does being a Christian help us to cope with pressurized situations?
  • What do you think it means by ‘lift you up in due time’? What does this tell you about our dependency on Him?

Sum Up

It is so easy to forget, in the pressure cooker of sport, who is really in control. Peter urges us to remember that God is in charge and to trust Him and His purposes.

Read 1 Peter 5:7

7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

What you need to know

To ‘cast’ something on someone is to give over your concerns and worries - not cling to them yourself. Therefore, to grasp the fact that the God who made the universe hears, understands and cares for us, provides us with great assurance in the midst of the pressures we face.

  • Pressure can often cause worry and concern about the future. What does this verse urge us to do with these worries and what does that look like?
  • Why is the end of v.7 so encouraging? What happens if we forget this?
  • How can you help yourself remember this when you are under pressure in sport? Think of practical ways.

Sum Up

When pressure comes, our response from this verse is twofold:

  1. Remember that God is in charge and not you - submit to Him.
  2. Remember that He cares for you so give over the concerns you have to Him.

What does this mean for us?

Worry and prayer are two great opposing forces in Christian experience. Prayer is a great tool for us against worry and for when we are under pressure. Training and competing might remain affected for some time therefore in small groups, share your concerns and struggle from your sport and pray for each other that you would remember that God’s in charge and that He cares for you through it all.

All Bible quotations are taken with permission from the NIV:
Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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