We get sport from the inside.
Our resources are specially designed for Christians active in competitive sport. Find what you need here, put it into practice, and watch God at work.
What a cricket bat taught me about Christmas
Why stay involved in adult competitive sport?
Should Christians compete in combat sports?
Does what you wear for sport really matter?
Are activity-sharing apps helpful for Christians?
Four top tips when joining a new team.
Last year Lancs took his first steps to discovering the virtual pulls and mysterious pushes of Strava. Nearly 12 months on, what’s the verdict? Strava - friend or foe?
As recreational cricket returns, Rob reflects on why he loves to play cricket and be part of a team, as the only Christian in his club.
Distance runner Gill Bland reflects on her experience of individual sport and faith, and how she has grown in courage evangelising to fellow runners.
How can we, as Christians in sport, make the most of the new opportunity joining a club provides? Jesus’ great commission in Matthew 28 to make disciples remains the same, but the place we are doing that, our club, has changed.
You want to be part of the team on and off the field, but you know the alcohol might be flowing and getting drunk will be the name of the game. If you’re a follower of Jesus, how should you react?