Connecting sport & faith
How do we make disciples for Christ in the world of sport?

The world of sport is vast, but the majority do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. … The world of sport is vast, but the majority do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord … The world of sport is vast, …

How do I share my faith with my friends?

What does it look like to fully integrate our faith and sport as we seek to encourage sportspeople to believe … What does it look like to fully integrate our faith and sport as we seek to encourage sportspeople … What does it look like to …

How do sport and faith fit together?

How is playing my sport different as a Christian? How is playing my sport different as a Christian? How is playing my sport different …

What is my role in pointing sportspeople to Jesus?

What is our role and what is God's role in helping sportspeople come to know Jesus? Understanding your role is … What is our role and what is God's role in helping sportspeople come to know Jesus? Understanding your … What is our role and what …

How can I be competitive in a godly way?

Some of us change so much when we compete that we worry that we shouldn’t compete at all. How can … Some of us change so much when we compete that we worry that we shouldn’t compete at all. … Some of us change so much …

How do I pray effectively for my sports friends?

Prayer is an essential feature of the Christian life and it is something we quickly turn to in times of … Prayer is an essential feature of the Christian life and it is something we quickly turn to in … Prayer is an essential feature of …

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